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We help you to solve the problem with disposal of used batteries.
We are able to rid you of worry about disposal. Batteries are a hazardous waste, so it is necessary to liquidate it safely. We know how to do it.
Lead-acid batteries are included in the Catalogue of waste as hazardous waste according to the Ministry of the Environment Decree No. 381/2001 Coll. as amended, and under number 160601, 200133, category N.
Dangerous properties: H5 - risks to health, H8 - corrosivity, H14 - ecotoxicity, H15 - ability to release hazardous substances into the environment during or after removal.
Physical properties of the waste (consistency, colour, smell etc.): solid consistency - whole or devided batteries (car batteries, station boards, traction lead-acid batteries), smell of acid.
According to Act No. 185/2001 Coll. as amended, and the Ministry of the Environment Decree on details of waste disposal No. 383/2001 Coll. as amended: there is an obligation to fill in the "registration form for the transport of hazardous waste within the territory of the Czech Republic". Furthermore, the agent is required to prepare a document called "Basic description of the waste" for each first delivery in current year. Details of method of return lead-acid batteries is regulated according to the current legislation of the Czech republic.
The purchase price depends on many factors, especially on the price of the final processor of waste disposal. The aim is that the redeemed batteries must be disposed by the most safe way. We reserve the right to update prices due to these reasons.
For customers